




The school nurse is available to treat students who become injured or suddenly ill. 如果护士不在办公室, contact can be made via the Korman Family Pavilion Manager (267-405-7200) who can always reach the nurse with the Walkie Talkie. The Health Services Department can be contacted by phone at 267-405-7225 or 267-405-7340 or


The school nurse may administer first aid for injuries acquired on school grounds. A parent or person designated on the health form will be contacted to pick up the student when an injury requires further medical attention. In rare instances, an ambulance may be summoned if deemed necessary by the nurse. 我们将尽一切努力与家长联系, guardian or emergency back-up person prior to ambulance transportation. A parental release for emergency transport is on each student’s 学生信息 form. All student health forms require that parents / guardians complete the space for health insurance information (carrier name and ID number) in case a situation requires referral to a hospital.


A parent will be contacted to pick up a student when there is persistent nausea or vomiting, 温度升高(100℃以上), 或者疑似传染病. 护士(外). 应直接与任何传染病(如.g. 水痘, 生虱子(虱子), 结膜炎(红眼病)), or non-communicable disease a student contracts which may affect the school community. 另外, it is highly recommended that a student who has had a fever be kept out of school until a normal temperature has been maintained for 24 hours.

在学生肺炎治疗后返回学校之前, 肝炎, 单核细胞增多症, 或者任何住院治疗, the parent should inform the school nurse of the specific illness and provide a doctor’s note to the school nurse on the first morning returning to school.

When a child has any of the following symptoms during the night or in the morning, 他们应该留在家里;

  • 身体任何部位出现未经治疗的皮疹或皮肤爆发.
  • 腹泻
  • 严重的头痛
  • Elevated temperature (100 degrees or more) and until without temperature over 100 degrees for 24 hours without medication
  • 呕吐直至停止24小时
  • 受处方止痛药的影响


Children with the following diseases must remain at home for the designated number of days or longer if there are complications. A written excuse from the health care provider is required for any student who is absent for three consecutive days.


  • 水痘:最后一个水疱结痂后(通常5 - 7天).
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): After 12 hours with proof of medical treatment and discharge has ceased.
  • 大肠杆菌:2次大便呈阴性.
  • 五病:无发热,一般无排斥.
  • 手,脚, & 口腔疾病:所有水泡干燥后不再发热.
  • 肝炎:无症状,可返回学校.
  • 单纯疱疹:一般不排除. 学生 with obvious skin or oral lesions should be excluded from wrestling.
  • 脓疱疮(硬壳性溃疡):所有病变都干燥.
  • 流感:24小时不发烧.

Please reach out to 十大体育外围平台排名 Health Services with any questions or concerns. 或267-405-7225或267-405-7340.



The following information is mandatory for students to submit before school begins each September.  请到您的Veracross家庭门户中的Magnus Health链接, 下载正确的表格, 请填写, 并通过email发送到 or drop off at the main desk in the Korman Family Pavilion with ATTN: 卫生办公室. 提前感谢您的协助!


  学生信息 物理 牙科 药物授权
PreK Y     必要时




1 Y




2 Y     必要时


3 Y   Y 必要时


4 Y     必要时


5 Y     必要时


6 Y Y   必要时


7 Y Y Y 必要时


8 Y Y   必要时


9 Y Y   必要时


10 Y Y   必要时


11 Y Y   必要时


12 Y Y   必要时


新学生 Y Y Y 必要时


All health forms can be found in MAGNUS which is linked to the Family Portal in Veracross.



保健服务办公室由 Lori Dougherty Andress, 88年,注册护士,空中交通管制员. Lori earned her Bachelor’s degree from West Chester University and her nursing degree from the Dixon School of Nursing at Abington Memorial Hospital. 她是一名经过认证的运动教练和注册护士. 多年来,她一直是GA社区的一员, dating back to her time as a student when she graduated from GA in 1988. 从1996年到2001年, 洛里是学校的全职运动教练, 2004年之前一直是兼职教练. 在2008年9月回到GA担任学校的首席护士之前, Lori spent three years as a nurse on Abington Hospital’s neurological floor.

Lori leads a staff of three part-time nurses and a volunteer Medical Director (Dr. 肯>).



Every year, state mandated health screening assessments are conducted in the following areas: 听力筛查 (K、1、2、3、7、11年级); 视力检查 (k - 12年级), 身高和体重 (K-12年级)和 脊柱侧凸的筛选 (六、七年级).

每年要求每位学生填写一份健康史表格. The state mandates that new students entering the school have a physical and dental check up. All students must have a physical and all seventh grade students must have a dental check up. If parents have questions regarding their child’s participation in these assessments, 他们应该联系学校的护士. 表格将于每学年的五月更新并上线.