






中学 sports are open to all interested students, and there are no “cuts.” All of our programs welcome both experienced and novice student-athletes.


  • 男女同校越野
  • 曲棍球
  • Football
  • 男孩们的足球
  • 女孩足球
  • 女孩网球
  • 女子排球
  • 女子水球


  • 男孩篮球
  • 女生篮球
  • 女生游泳
  • 摔跤
  • 跑步俱乐部
  • 壁球俱乐部
  • 冰球俱乐部


  • Baseball
  • 男孩长曲棍球
  • 女孩长曲棍球
  • Softball
  • 男孩网球
  • 男女同校的跟踪



竞争的喜悦和失望, 团队合作的满足感, 长久友谊的开始, 以及成为领导者的机会, 以及运动技能的发展, 让体育运动成为中学生活的重要组成部分. 

In 中学 we seek to maintain competitive teams while also valuing participation and skill development. We want our student-athletes to have the opportunity to compete and for the community to have a sense of pride in the program. 


GA strives to accommodate every student who wishes to play a specific sport. Depending on the number of participants, teams may be divided into varsity, JV, and/or 3rd teams. In squash, tennis, and basketball, it is sometimes necessary to limit roster sizes. 在这种情况下, 学生将有机会转到另一项运动, or, 视兴趣和可用空间而定, GA可能会为我们的校际体育项目提供替代方案.   

我们的中学课程采取发展适当的, flexible approach to team placement based on participation numbers for each sport each year. 我们着眼于团队的组成,并将运动员视为个人.  

通常, GA will offer different competitive levels for each sport to provide student-athletes with appropriate training and playing time at their respective skill level within their division, 不论年级高低, 同时始终牢记学生的社会发展和安全. Our coaches will place athletes on the 中学 team that will best foster their athletic growth and skill development.  

在中学, 所有运动员都有定期参加比赛的机会, 但是,不可能在所有级别的所有运动中都有平等的比赛时间. 


十大体育外围平台排名 offers a robust 中学 athletic program for 中学 students and takes a developmentally appropriate, flexible approach to placing students on athletic teams within their division. However, in order to provide student-athletes with training and playing time at their respective skill level, exceptional athletes may request to be considered for a roster spot on an 上学校 varsity team.  

Such permission is only given in exceptional circumstances and the following must be true: 

  • 这位学生运动员即将升入八年级
  • The student-athlete must demonstrate the ability to be a starter on the 上学校 varsity team
  • 体育主任, 中学体育部副主任, 高中校队教练, 中学校长, and eighth grade Head Advisor must agree that approval is in the student’s overall best interest and will not have an adverse effect on their social, 情感, academic, 或者身体健康

If approved, the student must maintain their academic performance and community standing. Permission may be suspended should it be deemed necessary for the well-being of the student by the Director of Athletics and the 中学校长.   

Families must be aware of current Inter-Ac and PIAA policies, which often change. 如果他们在参加校队之后转校的话, 他们可能会失去一年参加这项运动的资格.   

关于过夜旅行, special accommodations (such as requiring a parent/guardian to travel with the MS student) may be required to allow a MS student to participate, depending on the nature and length of the trip and accommodations available.  

为了被考虑, requests must be sent to the Director of Athletics AND Assistant Director of Athletics - 中学 four weeks prior to the start of the 中学 athletics season. 


中学 practices finish no later than 4:45pm, Monday through Thursday. 主客场比赛的完成时间会有所不同. 周五没有训练和比赛. 接机地点将在科曼家庭馆或凯里体育场. Students who are on campus after 5:15 will go to the Pavilion where there is supervision until everyone has been picked up. 

日程安排 for all MS Sports can be found on the "Teams” page of the website. You may also subscribe to a feed for your electronic calendar (note that though changes will appear on your calendar, 你不会被提醒他们). Once rosters are set, the primary method of communication will be through Stack TeamApp. 这个应用程序将有每个团队的最新信息, 包括训练和/或比赛时间表的任何变化. 

Uniforms & 设备 
校服由学校提供. 它们每一季发行和归还. With few exceptions, 中学 students are responsible for providing their own equipment. The necessary items for each sport are communicated to families prior to the start of each season.   

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我们联系 皮特·詹宁斯 1999年,田径助理主任-中学267-405-7548.